“Sustaining development in education and city development requires a deep commitment to a framework of values; an answer to the question: how should we live together?”
Tony Booth. In: TOY Position Paper
In deze pagina vind je tools en informatie over organisaties die voor democratische principes als gelijkwaardigheid, respect voor diversiteit en inclusie staan:
- De netwerkorganisaties STAND UP en ISSA.
- Het intergenerationeel programma TOY.
- IBBY: een non-profit organisatie die zich inzet voor het recht van elk kind om te lezen.
- De stichting MISKI-onderwijs in Peru; de non-profit organisatie Warmayllu, die educatieve projecten via kunst in Peru ontwikkelt; het nationaal programma Cuna Más in Peru.
- Ubuntuvision van stichting Nguia Ti Bé, die projecten en activiteiten ondersteunt in harmonie met de Afrikaanse filosofie en cultuur.
STAND UP: International Network for Equity & Social Justice in Early Childhood Education & Care
Who we are
We are a collective of international professionals, who are interested in and working to promote and implement an Anti-bias approach in early childhood education and care.
We are international colleagues who know each other from our work in the European network DECET (Diversity in Early Childhood Education and Training), which came to an end in 2020. For 20 years the DECET network has worked to promote principles of equity, social justice and Anti-bias Education (ABE) in working with young children, their families and communities. Anti-bias work is embedded in social justice principles, which include proactively engaging with equity and anti-discriminatory practices focusing on racism, sexism, ableism, LGBTQ-phobia, classism and other -isms.
We came together in 2021 with the idea of setting up a new international network about equity and social justice in ECEC. Our first online conference in 2021 confirmed a desire from participants for an international network. This encouraged us to facilitate six international conferences so far. Over fifty participants from 8 counties engaged in critical thinking and knowledge exchange on Early Childhood Education and Care within their national context.
The key aim for our online international conferences is to promote critical thinking and activism as well as improve and expand our anti-bias education and pedagogy globally.
More about: STAND UP website soon online
Of special interest is the Film “Reflecting on Anti-bias Education in Action: The Early Years”, produced by Debbie LeeKeenan and John Nimmo. By taking viewers into diverse early childhood classrooms, the film seeks to demonstrate the importance of teacher reflection on identity, context, and practice in anti-bias education and provides a much-needed resource for teacher education and professional development.
The film’s theoretical and research framework is based on Louise Derman-Sparks co-authored books, Anti-Bias Education for Our Children and Ourselves (with Julie Olsen-Edwards and Catherin Goins ) and Leading Anti-Bias Early Childhood Programs: A Guide for Change (with Debbie LeeKeenan and John Nimmo)
Download here the booklets:
DECET/ISSA Booklet. Diversity and Social Inclusion.
Exploring competences for Professional Practice in Early Childhood Education and Care.
How can you use this booklet?
This booklet can be used to:
- engage in discussions in your team in the day care centre, family day care centre, out of school care centre and pre-school.
- support in-service training and pre-service training by using this tool to engage in critical reflection with students and practitioners on their professional role in addressing diversity and equality. It can support educational institutions during the development of their curriculum.
- inform interested policy makers, academics, practitioners and parents about how professionalism in the early childhood sector, with a focus on diversity and equality, can be addressed. It is also relevant for educational and social care situations.
- inspire practitioners, educators, pedagogues and teachers in practice.
Authors: Ana del Bario Saiz, Dominique Malleval, Zorica Trikic, Katrien Van Laere, Colette Murray, Kenny Spence , Myriam Mony, Dawn Tankersley, Mathias Urban.
DECET Booklet Making sense of good practice
How can you use this booklet?
- to inform interested policy makers, academics, practitioners and parents about the work of DECET: its mission statement, its aims and its objectives;
- to stimulate interactive dialogue with policy makers, staff teams, staff, parents and children about promoting respect for diversity as a major foundation of any early years practice;
- to challenge negative attitudes and develop further existing practice on respect for diversity.
Authors: Anastasia Houndoumadi, Schedia (Greece); Dalvir Gill, CREC (England); Françoise Moussy, ESSSE (France); Peter Lee, CAF (Scotland); Veerle Vervaet, VBJK (Belgium); Regine Schallenberg-Diekmann, ISTA (Germany).
ISSA - International STEP by STEP Association
Who we are
ISSA is a leading international learning community and dynamic member association, powered by Europe’s and Central Asia’s foremost early childhood experts. Our shared, unwavering goal is to ensure that every child reaches their full potential and our work is based on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. With a steadfast commitment to advancing early childhood development based on principles of inclusivity and equity, we champion holistic and integrated systems, policies, and high-quality services for all young children.
ISSA is an international membership association based in Leiden (NL), powered by strengthening the capacity of its members to promote early childhood quality and equitable services. Since its inception, ISSA has grown into a vibrant learning community consisting of more than 90 like-minded organisations from 40 countries. The association develops and disseminates resources among its members and beyond, provides training and professional development opportunities and facilitates peer learning.
More about: en
More about: Resources developed under the Diversity+ Consortium.
Download here the Diversity+ Charter in English and Dutch
TOY – Together Old and Young
Who we are
A global movement to promote young children and older adults learning together.
The purpose of the TOY Programme is to promote intergenerational learning and create new possibilities for older adults and young children to learn together and benefit from each other’s company. We believe that this is more important than ever before in all continents of the world.
People are living longer but older adults and young children are having less and less contact with each other. Parents and grandchildren are migrating to cities and countries far away from grandparents. For many grandparents it is also sometimes difficult to keep in touch with grandchildren. Other reasons for the lack of contact between old and young is that in many countries, older adults are living in old peoples’ homes where they rarely see children and many young children are spending their days with their own age group in day care centres, pre-schools and schools.
The TOY vision
The Together Old and Young (TOY) approach to IGL brings young children (0-8) and older adults together to share experiences, have fun, learn from each other and develop meaningful relationships. Intergenerational Learning activities in TOY are friendly and informal social encounters, where children and adults can equally partake as the learner and the teacher.
More about:
Download here:
The TOY Position Paper Together Old & Young: How should we live together?
The TOY Position Paper, “Together Old and Young: How should we live together” is designed to provide local and national policy makers with sound arguments as to why intergenerational learning is important and what local authorities can do to support and sustain contact between young and old for the well-being of all.
Authors: Ana del Barrio Saiz, Giulia Cortellesi and Margaret Kernan
Artikel Jong geleerd, oud gedaan. Wat is intergenerationeel leren?
iBbY- The International Board on Books for Young people
Who we are
The International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY) is an international nonprofit organization committed to bringing books and children together.
IBBY-Nederland is de nationale sectie van the International Board on Books for Young People. IBBY is in 1953 opgericht door de Duitse journaliste Jella Lepman, met als doel bruggen te bouwen tussen kinderen van waar ook ter wereld door hen toegang te geven tot kinderboeken van hoge kwaliteit. Jella Lepman richtte IBBY op vanuit de overtuiging dat boeken zorgen voor begrip, tolerantie en verbinding tussen mensen. Na de Tweede Wereldoorlog zag ze dat kinderen die alles kwijt waren geraakt niet alleen voedsel, medicijnen, kleding en onderdak nodig hadden, maar dat ze ook baat hadden bij boeken. Ze wilde dat deze kinderen zouden weten: je bent niet alleen; er zijn anderen net als jij, met dezelfde ervaringen, wensen en dromen, er is een hele wereld die je kunt ontdekken door het lezen van boeken.
Vandaag de dag is IBBY een non-profit organisatie met wereldwijd 81 nationale secties. IBBY zet zich in voor het recht van elk kind om een lezer te worden door middel van o.a. leesbevorderingsprojecten, uitwisseling en promotie van jeugdliteratuur door internationale prijzen en tentoonstellingen.
Meer informatie:
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Stichting Miski-onderwijs in Peru
Who we are
Waar staat de stichting voor?
Misk’i Yachay heeft als doel een bijdrage te leveren aan het verbeteren van de onderwijskwaliteit in de regio Cusco.
Misk’i Yachay betekent in de taal van de mensen uit de Andes, het Quechua, ‘ zoete, lieve kennis’. De Stichting is opgericht door Andrea Cueva, met de droom om een positieve bijdrage te leveren aan het onderwijs in Peru, haar tweede thuisland.
Onze visie:
Een samenleving die in zijn kracht staat, zorg draagt voor de ander en zich inzet voor een mooiere wereld.
Onze missie:
Kinderen die in een prettige leeromgeving goed onderwijs krijgen, sterke sociaal-emotionele vaardigheden ontwikkelen en die een positieve bijdrage aan de maatschappij leveren.
Meer informatie:
Wat does the MISKI foundation stand for?
Misk’i Yachay aims to contribute to improving the quality of education in the Cusco region.
Misk’i Yachay means ‘sweet, sweet knowledge’ in Quechua, the language of the people in the Andes. The Foundation was founded by Andrea Cueva, with the dream of making a positive contribution to education in Peru, her second home country.
Our vision: A society that stands in its strength, cares for others and is committed to a more beautiful world.
Our mission: Children who receive good education in a pleasant learning environment, develop strong social-emotional skills and who make a positive contribution to society.
Who we are
We are a non-profit association that since 2002 has developed intercultural education projects through art in various places in Peru.
In each of our projects, the team has been made up of artists, educators, social science professionals and sage people from the diverse indigenous communities. We have developed educational proposals, educational materials, intercultural meetings, diverse publications and audiovisual creations in a participatory way.
More about Warmayllu projects, publications, video’s (Spanish):
Our funder: Rocío Corcuera Ríos
09.09.24 –
The aim of the programme
The aim of the National Cuna Más Programme (Peru) is to improve the child development of girls and boys from 6 months to 3 years of age in areas of poverty and extreme poverty. The Program provides, through Day Care Centers, comprehensive care to children whose fathers and mothers work and/or study, through the following components: Food and nutritional care, comprehensive child health care, child learning and work with families strengthening their capacities for the care and learning of their children. Based on a State-community co-management model, the Program transfers resources to the Management Committees for the administration of services, and provides assistance and supervision to guarantee their quality. It also promotes the participation and cooperation of the community, grassroots social organizations and the private sector.
Responsibility: Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion, Peru (MIDIS: Ministerio de Desarrollo e Inclusión Social, Perú).
Implementation between 2012-2013: The Cuna Más team together with Open Society Foundation (OSF) consultants commissioned by the OSF Early Childhood Program.
OSF-consultants: Down Tankersley, Evelyn Margron, Cristina Troya en Ana del Barrio Saiz.
Areas where the OSF-consultants did offer assistance:
- ECD expertise in development of pedagogical standards (Spanish speaking) to provide conceptual continuity and quality across programs organized for different ages and by different Ministries.
- ECD expertise (Spanish speaking) to support delivery of education/development programming for diverse populations (Education for Social Justice, ESJ). This included anti-bias training for Cuna Más staff, adults working with families and young children, training (at national and local level) for educators, teachers, coaches and pedagogues.
More about:
Who we are
In Afrika steunt de stichting projecten, die in harmonie zijn met de eigen filosofie en cultuur. In Nederland steunt de stichting activiteiten die de Afrikaanse filosofie meer bekendheid geven.
Stichting Nguia Ti Bé
Stichting Nguia Ti Bé draagt bij aan het bekend maken, beschermen en versterken van het Afrikaanse gedachtegoed.
In Afrika geeft de stichting steun aan kleinschalige projecten die in harmonie zijn met de eigen filosofie, cultuur en natuur. In Nederland brengt de stichting het Afrikaanse gedachtegoed over het voetlicht door middel van lezingen, workshops, kunst en muziek.
In Afrika gaat speciale aandacht uit naar projecten die het eigen het Afrikaanse (Ubuntu) gedachtegoed uitdragen, beschermen, ontwikkelen en overdragen aan een nieuwe generatie.
Initiatiefnemer: Maria van den Boer
Meer informatie:
Wat does Ubuntuvision stand for?
In Africa, the foundation supports projects that are in harmony with its own philosophy and culture. In the Netherlands, the foundation supports activities that raise awareness of African philosophy.
Nguia Ti Bé Foundation
The Nguia Ti Bé Foundation contributes to publicizing, protecting and strengthening African ideas.
In Africa, the foundation supports small-scale projects that are in harmony with the country’s own philosophy, culture and nature. In the Netherlands, the foundation brings African ideas into the spotlight through lectures, workshops, art and music.
In Africa, special attention is paid to projects that promote, protect, develop and transfer their own African (Ubuntu) ideas to a new generation.